Evolutionary Governance Theory | Transition and Innovation in Natural Resource Governance | Social Innovation in Regional Planning

Category Recreatie

Landscape conservation as a combination of planning and branding strategies

Many landscapes are highly valued for their natural or cultural heritage. Conservation of these landscapes however might conflict with ideas and ambitions of economic development. We therefore argue that these places should be considered as living landscapes, that are allowed… Continue Reading →

The researcher as storyteller

Storytelling is an interesting concept that is used in a wide variety of disciplines to analyse and understand how people communicate and with which outcomes. The concept can also be used to reflect upon the work of researchers. They too… Continue Reading →

Symposium Doelgericht Verkavelen

De wet inrichting landelijk gebied (WILG) biedt via Wettelijke Herverkaveling en via Vrijwillige Kavelruil twee instrumenten die partijen kunnen inzetten voor verkavelen van gebieden. Overheden, maar ook private partijen kunnen deze instrumenten gebruiken om hun doelen, zoals agrarische structuurverbetering, realisatie… Continue Reading →

Natura 2000 sites as new commons

The tragedy of the commons is known from both institutional economics as well as in biology and used to describe the long term decline of common pool resources as a consequence of opportunistic behaviour of individual users. A whole body… Continue Reading →

Leefbaarheid en identiteit in krimpregio’s

Krimp de vaak gebruikte afkoring voor bevolkingsafname, is in korte tijd onderdeel geworden van het vocabulair dat gaat over de ruimtelijke ordening van Nederland. Het is een fenomeen dat steeds meer aandacht krijgt van overheden, het bedrijfleven, burgers en onderzoekers…. Continue Reading →

BUITEX site avalaible

The Buitex has published a blog on the excursion to Romania. Here you can find some very interesting reflections on indentiy, culture, history, landscape architecture and spatial planning The BUITEX Romania 2011 site

Cultural heritage and identity politics

As the authors in this fascinating volume point out, both heritage and identity discourse can be instrumentalized, by proponents and opponents of European integration, as they can be commodified, in branding efforts with various implementations. Just as in Macchiavelli’s Europe,… Continue Reading →

Crossing trails in the marshes: rigidity and flexibility in the governance of the Danube Delta

  In this paper, we revisit the utility of the concepts of path dependence and interdependence for the analysis of participatory environmental governance. We investigate the evolution of environmental governance in the Romanian Danube Delta, and, starting from an observation… Continue Reading →

De nuloptie

Een film van Martijn Duineveld en Bjorn Eerkes die de fictie van ruimtelijke ordening laat zien. De conclusie mag je zelf trekken, wel zo participatief, maar hoeveel ruimte is er voor verschillende conclusies? Oordeel zelf. http://denuloptiedotcom.com/

David Seidl | organisational identity and self-transformation

In this book Seidl present an interesting perspective upon organisational identity. Largely drawing upon Luhmann’s theory of social systems and using the concept of autopoieses to provide insights in the (re)construction of identity in interactions between the organisation and its… Continue Reading →

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