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Category Planning

News about spatial planning in general

Understanding public trust in water managers

Public trust in water managers is often considered an important precondition for the effective implementation of sustainable water-management practices. Although it is well known that general public trust in government institutions is under pressure, much less is known in the… Continue Reading →

De (on)mogelijkheden van een adaptieve onderzoeksmethodologie

Wetenschappelijk onderzoek betekent in de praktijk regelmatig inspelen op onverwachte omstandigheden, nieuwe inzichten en allerlei problemen die zich kunnen voordoen. Een zekere mate van flexibiliteit is dus gewenst. Toch besteden methodeboeken meestal weinig aandacht aan de mogelijkheden om het onderzoek… Continue Reading →

Spatial planning & place branding nexus

Governments increasingly use place branding strategies to position their cities and urban regions on the inter-territorial competitive stage. Next to spatial planning, it also offers them a new means for setting frameworks and principles to guide the location of development… Continue Reading →

Overheid verhoogt maatschappelijke kosten stikstofproblematiek

De achteruitgang van de natuur en het verlies van biodiversiteit dwingen overheden om maatregelen te nemen om de stikstofdepositie te verminderen. Het opkopen van veehouderijbedrijven is een van die maatregelen. Op basis van het Programma Aanpak Stikstof (PAS) hebben diezelfde… Continue Reading →

Rethinking strategy in environmental governance

Open Access: Rethinking strategy in environmental governance | In the online version of the upcoming Special Issue celebrating 21 years of JEPP. Collaboration between University of Alberta Open Universiteit and Wageningen University & Research

Comparative Planning Research

In this article, the authors develop a perspective on the value of, and methodologies for, comparative planning research. Through comparative research, similarities and differences between planning cases and experiences can be disentangled. This opens up possibilities for learning across planning… Continue Reading →

Stikstof in internationaal perspectief

De eind vorig jaar aangenomen spoedwet stikstof en het zoveelste actieplan dat de minister van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit onlangs presenteerde, laten zien dat het kabinet niet in staat is om een duurzame oplossing voor het stikstofprobleem te bedenken. Al… Continue Reading →

Research methods as bridging devices

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the potential, both analytically and practically, of understanding research methods as bridging devices. Methods can bridge theory and empirics, but it is argued that they can perform several bridging functions: between theory… Continue Reading →

Trusting the People and the System

Agri-environmental schemes have been introduced in numerous countries to combat biodiversity loss in agrarian landscapes that are important for both food production and biodiversity. The successful operation of such schemes depends strongly upon trust between actors involved, as well as… Continue Reading →

Spatial planning and place branding: rethinking relations and synergies

Spatial planning and place branding are allies in the discovery and creation of place narratives and assets as well as in contributing to spatial transformation or the improvement of the socio-spatial and spatial-economic conditions of a place. However, the existing… Continue Reading →

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