“It ought to be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things” (Machiavelli,… Continue Reading →
In this paper we explore the consequences of a flat ontology for planning theory and practice through the lens of Evolutionary Governance Theory (EGT). We present a perspective in which the ontological hierarchies assumed in planning and beyond are left… Continue Reading →
This paper reflects on the performance and endurance of long-term perspectives and their impact on strategies, institutional change and material effects. In the past decades, the long-term perspective of a national ecological network has been a key element of Dutch… Continue Reading →
In this article, the authors develop a perspective on the value of, and methodologies for, comparative planning research. Through comparative research, similarities and differences between planning cases and experiences can be disentangled. This opens up possibilities for learning across planning… Continue Reading →
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the potential, both analytically and practically, of understanding research methods as bridging devices. Methods can bridge theory and empirics, but it is argued that they can perform several bridging functions: between theory… Continue Reading →
Agri-environmental schemes have been introduced in numerous countries to combat biodiversity loss in agrarian landscapes that are important for both food production and biodiversity. The successful operation of such schemes depends strongly upon trust between actors involved, as well as… Continue Reading →
Spatial planning and place branding are allies in the discovery and creation of place narratives and assets as well as in contributing to spatial transformation or the improvement of the socio-spatial and spatial-economic conditions of a place. However, the existing… Continue Reading →
Op woensdagavond 25 september 2019 kwam het adviescollege Remkes met het langverwachte advies over het aanpakken van de veel te hoge stikstofdepositie in Nederland. De belangstelling voor het advies en de maatregelen die daar in zouden staan was zo groot… Continue Reading →
De Vogel- en Habitatrichtlijnen vormen de basis voor het natuurbeleid van de Europese Unie. Via dit beleid hebben de lidstaten afgesproken om soorten en hun leefgebied te beschermen. De richtlijnen zijn lang geleden aangenomen, de Vogelrichtlijn in 1979 en de… Continue Reading →
De Vogelrichtlijn (1979) en de Habitatrichtlijn (1992) vormen de basis van het natuurbeleid van de Europese Unie. Het doel van deze richtlijnen is te zorgen voor een goede bescherming van soorten en hun leefgebieden. Als onderdeel van het beleid hebben… Continue Reading →
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