This paper reflects on the performance and endurance of long-term perspectives and their impact on strategies, institutional change and material effects. In the past decades, the long-term perspective of a national ecological network has been a key element of Dutch… Continue Reading →
Agri-environmental schemes have been introduced in numerous countries to combat biodiversity loss in agrarian landscapes that are important for both food production and biodiversity. The successful operation of such schemes depends strongly upon trust between actors involved, as well as… Continue Reading →
Place branding strategies are increasingly used to promote cities, regions and national parks. In this paper we analyse the evolution of landscape governance in three Flemish regions to discern the virtues of these place branding strategies in relation to other… Continue Reading →
De implementatie van Natura 2000 heeft in Nederland tot veel discussie en commotie geleid. Tijdens honderden inspraak- en informatie avonden en via allerlei artikelen in dagbladen, tijdschriften en op het internet, is het Natura 2000 beleid door velen bekritiseerd. Ook… Continue Reading →
In this paper, we revisit the utility of the concepts of path dependence and interdependence for the analysis of participatory environmental governance. We investigate the evolution of environmental governance in the Romanian Danube Delta, and, starting from an observation… Continue Reading →
The management of Natura 2000 sites faces several challenges. Responsible authorities need to achieve specific conservation objectives and they need to balance these objectives with social and economic interests. A study of two cases, one in England and one in… Continue Reading →
Citizens participation is gaining a lot of attention, both in research and practice. In an article publish in the Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning we argue that the careful analysis of the pathways of emergence, enactment and implmentation of… Continue Reading →
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