This paper reflects on the performance and endurance of long-term perspectives and their impact on strategies, institutional change and material effects. In the past decades, the long-term perspective of a national ecological network has been a key element of Dutch… Continue Reading →
Spatial planning and place branding are allies in the discovery and creation of place narratives and assets as well as in contributing to spatial transformation or the improvement of the socio-spatial and spatial-economic conditions of a place. However, the existing… Continue Reading →
In many countries throughout the EU recent planning reforms have reduced the possibilities for comprehensive and long-term planning. This paper explores the factors that explain why one of these countries, Poland, lost many of its tools for coordinating the policies… Continue Reading →
Last weekend I had the pleasure to be invited to join a conference on rural innovation organized by the Alberta Centre for Sustainable Rural Communities (ACSRC) and Battle River Alliance for Economic Development (BRAED). The conference offered community development professionals,… Continue Reading →
In opdracht van het Kennis voor Klimaat heeft de Open Universiteit de online cursus “De ontwikkeling van lokale klimaatadaptatiestrategieën” samengesteld. De cursus gaat in op de gevolgen van klimaatverandering voor het stedelijk gebied, de mogelijke adaptatiemaatregelen en methoden om deze tegen… Continue Reading →
Lokale politici en bestuurders bezigen graag termen als ‘Doe-democratie’, ‘actief burgerschap’ en ‘de participatiesamenleving’. Burgers die zich willen inzetten voor hun eigen leefomgeving en zich organiseren in een burgerinitiatief, worden verwelkomd. Maar op welke doelen richten deze burgerinitiatieven zich eigenlijk?… Continue Reading →
The Dutch region Gelderse Vallei en Eemland, also called Food Valley, is an area in transition. The developments in agricultural sector are an important driving force behind this transition. Agricultural activities, both intensive livestock farming as well as more multifunctional… Continue Reading →
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